

Did you think the wedding was about Maggie and Chad?! HA!

Addilyn was one of the flower girls for the wedding. She rode in a little red wagon with tool, rose petals, fabric, pretty much everything a flower girl could want, but a strap to hold her in. I was nervous she'd fall/crawl out or cry when she got to the front and saw me standing there but, she didn't! She really did great! She just sat in her little wagon, holding onto her petals like a professional while daddy pulled her down the aisle.

pre-wedding and pictures. trying to make sure the dress makes it through (after a week of stomach issues...you'd do the same)
she loved playing/ripping those flower petals.
climbing the pews post-ceremony
some pictures in her wagon after the wedding since mommy couldn't very well stand at the front of the chapel taking pictures while hold her bouquet (although our dresses did have pockets that my camera was in, so I was tempted...)