
Happy Birthday Uncle Daniel!

After one of the worst road trips in Abell history, we FINALLY made it to Grannie and Pops and get some sleep. The next day we woke up and it proved to be worth the bad drive.

Making cookies in jammies. Could it get any better?
Josiah's new thing: He thinks it's fun to have a party at 3am.
After cookies/naps/playing we went to dinner to celebrate Uncle Daniel's birthday. These two may have stole the show though.
Then we came home for Daniel to open his birthday presents
And, since Uncle Daniel got to open presents and there were presents for everybody out, Addilyn decided everyone should get to open a gift. ;)
The cutest niece, ever.
please imagine baby vrooming noises while moving the block like a car.

Happy Birthday Uncle Daniel. Sorry the picture of the cake is of my kid, not you. ;)