Well, it was a pretty good summer. Great, in many ways, lacking sleep and full of illness in others. But, overall it was really was good, great even. We had wonderful time getting to travel and see families as well as down time to get used to (and LOVE) Derrick's new job schedule and fit in some family fun days. I think the best part is starting to see them play TOGETHER more. Not just around each other, but together. I get more and more pictures of the two of them together than just one of them and I know it's just going to get better and better. I am also well aware the arguing might get to be a little more too, but I'm not worried.
While I'll miss the pool and smell of sunscreen,
I'm certainly looking forward to more sweat free park days, especially now that Josiah is loving it too.
While we're excited about changing leaves, cooler temps, the promise of family time (a new cousin!), and the smell of pumpkin bread, we are most excited to see how God changes, uses, and matures us this fall.
Happy Labor Day weekend!