

Lately, I've gotten the question "where are you in the adoption process?" A lot. So, here's our answer. 
Our homestudy is pretty much done. Addilyn's 4 year well check is tomorrow and there we will have our last piece of paperwork done for it-the kids physical reports. Our last homestudy interview was last week and our social worker said it'd be about a month until she had it all written up. After that, we can apply for immigration paperwork to be given the 'ok' to adopt. That will include another set of fingerprints. After our homestudy is finished we can also apply for various grants where we are praying for support and lots of help! After the immigration paperwork is finished, our dossier will be complete and eventually will be in Ethiopia translated, awaiting a child to be matched with it! Our goal is to have our dossier put together by mid-summer. After that, we wait. And wait some more. We really honestly have no idea how long we'll wait. But, we'll wait for a referral (meaning a picture and medical history of a child to be OUR BABY!). After we accept the referral, we'll wait for a court date in Ethiopia where we'll meet our baby and appear in Ethiopian court saying we will care for our Ethiopian baby like a biologically born child. Which we will of course. Then, we'll leave the country and our baby, come home and cry, and wait for our baby's birth certificate, passport, and other pieces of paperwork to be complete, then we will go back to Ethiopia and pick up our baby and bring him/her  HOME FOREVER. AN ORPHAN NO MORE.