
Picture Updates

Last week the weather got nice again after the big snow and we took walks. Addilyn's also taken to being a different princess almost everyday. Thankful for all those dress up clothes we've gotten as gifts or hand-me-downs! She's LOVED them lately! 

KU lost in March Madness...Daddy was pretty sad but these two little cuties can make pretty much anyone happy. 

The kids (and Mom and Dad) got some Easter basket goodies in the mail from Grannie and Pops (and Grandma and Papa too!) Addilyn loved getting a dress with matching shoes and a necklace. She's kind of amazing, isn't she. I mean I know I've never met any four year old as smart, beautiful, or as wonderful (with a little bossy on the side) as she is. 

Josiah was asleep with the box arrived but as soon as he came downstairs, he immediately asked to get down and said "ball." He could tell there was a new ball in his midst instantly. That kid... He's pretty awesome too. A bit of a completely adorable stinker at the moment with lots of lovey cuddle moments thrown in. 

 They were pretty excited about their new springtime jammies when they we put them on at night, but Mommy and Daddy didn't like them as much when everyone was up at 5 am, cold, since we forgot to turn the heat back on and our kids aren't capable of keeping blankets on them while they sleep. Whoops!