
10 on ...

 So, I really did take pictures for 10 on the 10th, then lost track of time, got busy, and never posted them. Since I know that Grandma and Grannie like those 10 pictures, here's our life lately in 10 pics.
Ethiopia is on the brain. 
"I love you all the way to Ethiopia and back" on this letter to Daddy from Addilyn

My baby boy is looking a little less like a baby everyday. 

They are hilarious together. Funny face pictures to try to calm down all the wrestling. 

He's a stinker lately. Almost two... On this particular occasion he asked to "please hit Mommy". And, see? I started getting ready for 10 on the 10th. 

We had our first summer meet up at the park followed by ice cream (on the 10th. Notice the time?) with some new friends. 

Mother's Day was great-Bad picture but, it was fun nonetheless. Thought a lot about our little baby in Ethiopia and their family. What will happen between now and when we know our baby's face that will cause us to be needed? My heart aches thinking out it.

Little miss is sick. Strep and Pink Eye. Any suggestions for getting those 'burny' eye drops in? :(

They are cute. Pic taken before the strep/pink eye knowledge, but probably not before infection. I'm sure he'll get it too. 

We found out who our newest cousin (from Ethiopia!) is!! We love him already and are so excited for Candace, Justin, and now big brother Micah! Check out their blog here.

Josiah's t shirt is coming soon-the baby ones weren't in yet!