
Officially a Preschooler

Well, Preschool started this week. I took far too many pictures, but she was wanting the pictures too so I just went with it. 
I asked her a few of her favorites and what she wanted to be when she was older. I'm glad I asked and didn't just assume. I would have gotten what she wants to be when she grows up right, and her favorite show would have been in my top two, but I definitely would have said Daniel Tiger. Everything else makes complete sense, but I probably wouldn't have said them. I love learning more about my girl everyday. 

Searching for a backpack: The criteria in looking for a backpack were: No characters, Big enough for a folder to fit inside but small enough that it isn't bigger than she is, cute, not much money. And look what we found in her closet? Perfect! :) 

I wanted to remember how she wrote her name when she started preschool-to see how it changes. Writing on the chalkboard totally threw it off-oh well. We'll see a bigger difference as she gets older! 

 There was a bug swirling around her head that she was staring at-but I love this picture. Derrick said when she's a senior-he wants to take a picture of her looking down and put them together. We'll see if we remember. :)

And, off she went. She said it was fun-she came home with an i sound worksheet-preschool is serious business these days! But she said she also got to play dress up (when it wasn't so crowded), play on the playground, listen to the teacher read a book about bears, color a picture, and sing a prayer for snack. She had no tears and did great she said she missed us a lot at first, but it got better as she stayed at school. Mommy and Little bro had a few tears but we made it and were so glad when she came home. 

She was so proud of her fancy socks-but refused to believe that they should be rolled down.