
Merry Christmas!

Christmas morning we woke up to a very sick Daddy. While taking care of Addilyn, Josiah, Daddy, and trying to wake up, somehow Addilyn got left on the stairs for a second. I come back to find my little girl gone and had woken up enough to remember what day it was.
"Mommy. I see if Santa Cause come."
Daddy came down, trash can in hand (and was definitely not saying "I'm going to be mad if that picture ends up on the blog" as I was taking this picture) because no way was he going to miss his babies opening their presents.
We've decided that for Christmas our kids will get 3 presents, like the Wise Men gave Jesus (and yes I do know that we don't really know exactly how many He got, but we'll stick w/ 3), from us and the stockings are filled by Santa.
Baby's First Christmas
For Christmas, Addilyn got a highchair for her baby dolls, more food for her kitchen, and a memory game (that she rocks at).
Josiah got a toy for his car seat, some snack catchers, and a poppin dinosaur toy.
We were excited for our churches first candlelight service and lots of great food I was going to make but, weak stomachs won out and we just stayed home (eating very little) being thankful that we were all home together.
The day ended with Addilyn succumbing to the stomach bug. I was upstairs feeding/desperately trying to get Josiah to sleep and Derrick comes upstairs asking for help. I give up getting Josiah to sleep and go to Addilyn.
"Addilyn, does your tummy hurt?"
"No Mommy. My tum no hurt. Fro up just come out."