
The night before Christmas

We got home from our road trip, unpacked the car, and went to work on making our own Christmas memories.
Homemade (well, kinda, I bought pre-made crust, I knew we'd be on a time crunch) Pizza
Josiah watched.
Bet you can't guess who's pizza is whose.
Hint: Addi doesn't really like sauce if she knows it's there. I can't eat dairy.
Movie by in the fire and tree.
We had decided we were going to 'do' Santa this year but in the most low-key, unelaborate way possible. We don't mind our kids believing in the fairy tale, but we are not going to go to great lengths to create it for them-they've got to create it themselves. So, the plan was to see how this year went, and then decide if we want to make him a for sure presence in our home. Derrick mentioned, once, that Santa just might come fill the stockings while he was putting her to bed. She then went on about the reindeer bringing Santa and flying and Santa putting things under the tree and who knows what else. Seriously! The kid doesn't miss a beat. I don't remember ever talking about Santa and she only watched one movie that even had him in it.