
12 months!

Look who is ONE!!
 I can't believe he is a year old! Can't imagine our family without him. 

He is now standing/pulling up/walking as long as he's holding on all the time. Took his first few steps last night but definitely prefers to hold onto something.

Really, REALLY loves ice cream. Only thing he'll consistently eat.

Is a CLIMBER. I pull him off of the coffee table, fireplace, and steps multiple times a day.

Clearly says 'Bellba' (bella), "Momma", "Dada" We know what he means she he says "Alldone" and "Hi" and is working really hard on Addi, uh-oh, more, and bye. 

Still nurses every 2 to 3 hours around the clock. Oh, how I wish I were kidding. Kinda. Just yesterday and today (I'm late typing this) he's not quite as interested in nursing and it makes me a little sad. just a little though. Honestly, I'd be completely fine nursing sometimes because he still needed it...all the time is getting a little rough. 

Isn't gaining weight or eating much (still in a 6-9 m onesie) but, again, the last two days have been MUCH better.

Is getting VERY good and wrestling and rough housing.

He will follow Bella all around the house saying her name, licking in her water bowl, and other non-disgusting things like that... 
(He is watching her in nearly all the pictures I took on his bday!)

Loves to empty all drawers, boxes, shelves. 

LOVES his Sissy. 

Gives great kisses. 

Will sometimes show you he is one with his pointer finger. He's selective with his audience though.