Friday was supposed to be gorgeous outside, Derrick's working really hard on taking time off on Fridays, and the zoo opens early during the summer. So, we'd take advantage of our early risers and be at the zoo by eight am.
Well... 8am looked like this:
So, we got to the zoo a little later than planned, but it was still pretty great (albeit very crowded). We saw the polar bear, carousel, the playground, and few other animals.
Josiah napped at the zoo, Addilyn napped once we got home, and Derrick had a few hospital visits so Josiah and I had a little lunch date all to ourselves. Josiah even ate!
While we tried to get Josiah to nap later, Addilyn and I played with baking powder, vinegar, and food coloring to see what this pinterest buzz is about. She enjoyed it but it definitely didn't last hours. 20 minutes, tops.
Then we headed to a pool party with friends from church. Addilyn's hair was done by Daddy. He's getting good!
Josiah really loves Lizzy and Marcus. Even reached for Marcus while I was holding him! Too bad they leave for college next weekend... We might be needing to make some visits to Springfield this year!