A few things you probably know about me...
I HATE conflict. Not just don't like it, hate it. Makes me honestly sick to my stomach and clouds my memory of almost everything else going on around me. I hate arguing, 'debating' or anything like that.
I'm introverted. I like people, just get overwhelmed by them and need time to myself.
Put these two things together and you probably wouldn't know what I stand for and believe in because for whatever reason, saying what you believe in automatically means you hate people that don't agree (chick-fil-a anyone?) or gets you in some sort of crazy mommy war and I like to stay out of those things. I really do believe in a few things passionately enough to debate them in love (I'd still probably need a good nap and want to cry afterwards, but I'd do it) and I want it written down in our blog so my kids can see some things that were really important to me even if they never hear me debate them to anyone else.
Jesus. He is the only Savior out there. The only way to heaven. The only true example of love we have. and I'd love to talk to you about it.
The Bible is TRUTH. Every. single. part.
Abstinence. Sex before marriage brings lots of unwanted issues into marriage. Sex was meant for marriage and marriage alone.
Breastfeeding. I believe in the power of breastfeeding, the physical benefits to both mom and baby are undeniable but there are so many emotional benefits too. I LOVED (almost past tense. Josiah's down to two feedings a day and it makes me cry.) breastfeeding. I believe in getting proper education and support to breastfeeding so it's not as hard. That being said, I know some people can't breastfeed or can't enjoy mommyhood and breastfeed. Being a present, happy, loving mother to your child is MUCH more important than giving them breastmilk.
Stay at home Mommyhood. Again, I do not believe this is the only way to be a good mom, certainly not! A lot of women need that time away with other adults to be a great Mommy when they are around their kids. I do believe for my family, and many like it, staying at home is worth the sacrifice. I'd much rather make every meal that we eat at home than work and have extra money. Being a stay at home Mom can be isolating so it works well with my introverted personality well. But even with that, I feel lonely sometimes. I miss seeing adults on a regular basis. But...I will never get these years of my kids back. My kids are learning how to be themselves at home, in their own preferred environment. I've gotten to see so many of their firsts, make their nap schedules (or josiah's lack of) about them, not the daycare room they are in at the time. I hope to be the one to teach both of them their ABC's, how to write their name, how to make cookies (and sneak dough when daddy isn't looking) and how to play pretend. Staying at home does mean that we don't have extra money for all the extra curricular stuff, cable, or lots of eating out (pastor's certainly don't make a lot of money). But it does mean my kids are growing up together, learning to love and be kind to one another first, and how to make new friends at the park. I could go on about this forever...
There probably are lots more things that I'll think of as soon as I hit publish but those are the biggest to who I am. Again, I hate conflict and don't want to argue. But, in a loving, respectful environment, would have a discussion about any of these topics.