I'm a little behind in blogging...but we did celebrate our little man turning one. The first time, at home, with just us and Derrick's family skyped and facetimed in. Technology sure is awesome. I stressed and agonized over what to do for our little man, but July was just insane. We were constantly traveling or packing to travel so I didn't plan anything official, we were hoping to invite some friends to join us for a low-key dinner and sing to Josiah. But, he was sick. Surprised? Nope. Me either. But Addilyn was insistent that we make cake and sing to him at home. She was right. He needed to be celebrated, ear infection or not. So, Addilyn and I made cup cakes, she decorated them (lots and lots of sprinkles), we called Grandma and Papa on Skype and Aunt Candace, Justin, and Micah on Facetime and watched him suck down the icing and throw the cake. Perfection.
The Saturday after his birthday we were at Grannie and Pops for Aunt Mags and Uncle Chad's baby shower, so they were nice enough to share their day with Josiah and we got to celebrate him with my side of the family-even his great grandparents were there. I of course didn't get any pictures of that but it did happen. Again, he liked the icing.
Thank you to all who have loved, prayed for, and enjoyed our little guy this year. We LOVE him and love you all for loving him.