
Fall Lovin'

Oh, Hi. We LOVE fall. We've spent as much time as possible soaking up the colors while driving and being outside. I've also taken far too many pictures. So, I'm also sharing far too many.  I'll throw in some kid updates too-just to fill in some space. 

They really enjoy each other most of the time. Josiah LOVES holding Addilyn's hand. Addilyn loves teaching Josiah new things. 

 Addilyn's getting a little smarter everyday. She's always been a talker but whew-ee. She talks constantly. Asks questions about everything. Some of her questions just today: "Why is the sky a little orange? Did God do that?!" when looking at the sunrise. "Where are that girl's shoes?" "Why doesn't Lucy have color leaves in Florida?"  "Why is the fountain pink?" I tried to explain it was to help us remember when people get sick, I wasn't about to try to explain 'breast' and 'cancer'...then she asks, "so, that thing prays for me when I get sick?" ummmm no. definitely not. "Why is this road not fixed yet? It takes a lot of work?" She's constantly learning and teaching Mommy lots about patience.

Little dude is cutting four teeth at once. He still cries just about everytime I leave him, but very rarely with Daddy and a lot of times stops crying before I get to him. With teething, the last week or two haven't been good sleeping but he's mostly down to waking up sometime around 4/4:30 then nursing and going back to sleep until 7ish. And, yes. You read that correctly. He's still nursing. 

He wants to walk everywhere. Says "Ah Walk." all the time. Also says "NO." "Bella." "Momma!" "Cracker." "Water" "dog" "Ball" about 100 times a day. He has lots of other words but those are the most common. Banana and Please were new words today.  

 Today, Addilyn apologized to Josiah that he had to be in the baby class at church and couldn't be with her, then tried to console him and tell him he'd be ok. It was pretty adorable. She also called me, "Anna."
She's a true first born. She loves order and knowing what comes next, what we are doing each day, and who she is going to see. She prefers to control her environment and we are working hard on asking Mom and Dad for stuff rather than telling/demanding us. Some of her favorite days are the ones that she gets to chose her own outfits. She asks what the weather is going to be like and then can usually come up with something that works. (Thank goodness for leggings!) She tends to need to keep at least something in her outfit that she knows Mommy wouldn't pick. Like, for the example, the socks she had to show off for her picture. Took her shoes off just so her unmatching socks would show. 

 With her new imagination is coming new fears too. She is typically scared to sleep with her door closed and needs it 'cracked just a little bit'. She loves her friends and is very concerned in justice for them. She doesn't take well to someone being mean. My girl loves coloring. She'd color and play with babies all day with maybe a break to watch a movie. She doesn't really like eating. Her pickyness is (kind of) getting better, she's just not really interested in food. She hates to stop what she's doing to sit down and eat. 

He'll be 15 months this week. I don't know how, but it's true. He's changed sooo much the last few months, it's amazing. People are starting to see how happy he is and how much he really does enjoy is surroundings as he gets a little better letting Mommy go. He loves giving high-5's and apparently Daddy taught him fist-bumps today. 

He still loves to be outside and is becoming very curious about his environment. He'll find a ball everywhere and is always on the look out for a dog. In the car, he'd like a cracker in each hand please.  


It's a pretty great life.