
Marathon driving day

Tuesday of last week we did lots of driving and visiting family. 
First stop, Columbia Mall (after 2 hours of driving) for some running time and lunch. Addilyn instantly noticed the play place was different. She's only been there once, 6 months ago. She's a very observant child. 

Then stopped in O'Fallon (2 more hours of driving) to visit Great Grandma and Grandpa and Great Great Grandpa at Great Great Grandpa's new place! 

 Both the kids loved the ice cream parlor, Great Gma taught Josiah how to lick the ice cream. He was pretty pleased with himself.

 Then we headed to Great Grandmother's place (45 min of driving). Addilyn and Great Grandmother played cards and then we all followed Grandmother into Physical Therapy. 

Then, we drove (another hour) to Aunt Mags and Uncle Chad's house for dinner and some baby time! 
 Derrick's first time to meet Cecilia!
 Addilyn loved holding Cecilia and made many requests to hold her while someone read books to the two of them. 

Finished off the day by driving another 30 minutes to Grannie and Pops house to go to bed. My kids were AMAZING. I was so impressed by them.