
10 on 10, January

8am. it was drizzling so they had to wear their rain gear to go to the Y.

 9ish. Josiah starts crying in the childcare area. 

Almost 10-try to facetime with Grannie for her bday. No Luck. We LOVE you though Grannie and wish you the best birthday

11. The kids attempt to 'help' with laundry by dumping the entire hamper full of clean folded laundry on the ground. 

12. Lunch. 

1. Daddy comes home from a meeting. You'd think he had been gone all day the way they were screaming and yelling when he got home. beautiful. 

2. Josiah decides a ten minute nap is good enough for the day and is up ready to play with Bella.

3 Mommy turns on 101 Dalmatians to see if Josiah will unvelcro himself from me for a few minutes and works on New Years cards. 

sometime. Both kids attempt to help with dinner. 

 dinner. little stinker calls me mean for the first time (because I told her to stop bossying everyone around for the 5th time). 

If you notice...there's something on the floor or counter in almost every picture. They were little Mommy magnets today-I am exhausted and I don't feel like I got a thing done all day! Someday I'm going to miss days like this. Better go play with them and their daddy before the day is over.