It was pretty awesome to get to see both sides of family for Christmas while still getting our own family Christmas at our own house this year. We have homemade pizza Christmas Eve night, Addilyn decided she liked sauce this year last year, not so much. We also added one of my very favorite traditions from growing up to our Christmas Eve traditions- Sibling gifts.
My plan was to take Addilyn to the store with me and have her pick out a gift to get Josiah after her speech evaluation but snow came and we stayed home instead. So, she got to pick out which present (that I had gotten) she got to give Josiah. And we'll just pretend Josiah picked out what he gave her too. Next year he will. :) It's really important to us that from an early age they are learning Christmas is about giving, because God gave us Christ-the very best gift of all time, they can learn how to give to others too. So, we're starting with their siblings. After sibling gifts it was bedtime and time to put cookies and milk out for Santa. Addilyn was very concerned that the milk would be yucky for Santa... "He like yucky milk, Mom?" I told her I was sure it wouldn't be yucky but if she was worried about it, we could put the milk in the fridge for him. "No, Mom! Then he won't be able to be so quietly and he'll wake us all up!!"
My plan was to take Addilyn to the store with me and have her pick out a gift to get Josiah after her speech evaluation but snow came and we stayed home instead. So, she got to pick out which present (that I had gotten) she got to give Josiah. And we'll just pretend Josiah picked out what he gave her too. Next year he will. :) It's really important to us that from an early age they are learning Christmas is about giving, because God gave us Christ-the very best gift of all time, they can learn how to give to others too. So, we're starting with their siblings. After sibling gifts it was bedtime and time to put cookies and milk out for Santa. Addilyn was very concerned that the milk would be yucky for Santa... "He like yucky milk, Mom?" I told her I was sure it wouldn't be yucky but if she was worried about it, we could put the milk in the fridge for him. "No, Mom! Then he won't be able to be so quietly and he'll wake us all up!!"
After opening their stockings, Addilyn said, "I like all this stuff, it was nice of Santa to bring it for me but I really wanted a butterfly..." We explained there were some presents under the tree from Mommy and Daddy if she wanted to go check. (Santa does stockings. We do three gifts like the wise men gave Jesus from us) Both kids went running into the living room and saw their presents. Once again, Addilyn named herself official present passer outer and they both opened their gifts. Josiah still isn't really interested in gifts yet. I thought he would be more-but he doesn't get excited about opening them or anything yet. If it's a toy he really likes, he'll want to play with it right away but is content with that. Sissy had no problem helping him out. :)
And Addilyn was SO very thankful that she received a butterfly pillow! As soon as presents were open and thank-yous were said (without being prompted. my kids amaze me everyday) Addilyn was ready to pack up her gifts and head to 'Nannie and Pops house. RIGHT NOW.