
18 Months

Last week we had Josiah's 18 month appointment. It went GREAT! He's in the 13% for weight and 20% for height. His head circumference, as always, is completely off the charts. He gained almost three pounds in the last three months and gained length too-just cant remember how much! This was honestly the first appointment where the doctor only had positives to say. No 'well lets keep a really close eye on this' or 'are you ok with that'. Just, wow! he's taken off the last three months! Hallejuah! There were many times last year where I had nightmares of sitting in the hospital with him for days or weeks on end. There was one point last year that I pretended didn't exist most of the time-where we had to do extra bloodwork, just in case. Where things weren't making sense and we had to see if anything in his bloodwork showed up as concerning. They found an iron deficiency and then at this appointment, the doctor wanted to do another blood test to see if the vitamins that I was giving him since they told me to (i NEVER remember them telling me this...he just randomly got them when Addilyn reminded me to give him vitamins because she got them too) where helping or if we needed to do some further testing. Well, without even regular vitamin taking, that bloodwork was completely normal. :) No more worries! Ironic how as I started typing this a week and a half ago I had to stop to take him to the doctor because he was so lethargic he couldn't pick his head up. He's all good now though, even weaned himself without struggles! 

Oh my, what God has taught us through this little boy. What a miracle and wonder this life is. He's a true joy to be around and is taking more and more steps away from Momma and enjoying life without me all the time. Josiah, you are a treasure.