
Florida Week.

Usually, I'd be doing 10 on the 10th right now but...I didn't take any pictures on the 10th. I took lots of pictures the week before though and tried to keep myself to only uploading 10 of them. I got close, 11. :) 
This year for Christmas, my parents got each family a trip to Florida to visit Daniel, Katie, and Lucy on their year of vicarage (their third year of seminary, he is sent to a church to be an associate pastor of sorts to learn the ropes) since they are so far from family. They happen to be incredibly close to Disney World so that was thrown into the Christmas gift as well!! (Mom and Dad, you are AWESOME!) Here is a peek at our week enjoying our Christmas gift and time with family. We loved every moment of it, well...almost. It was surprisingly very crowded one day and I didn't love that but I loved rest of it. My favorite thing is that since we have been back people ask Addi how her trip was and who she got to see and every single time she says "It was good. LUCY!" I love that even though she loved seeing Mickey and Minnie and all the princesses, the part she loved best was getting to do it with Lucy. 
 My 29th Birthday dinner at Epcot. :D

Lucy and Josiah loved the characters from far away but weren't too sure up close. Addilyn loved them all the time.
Birthday cake complete with candles and ice cream at Daniel and Katie's.
Not many people can make dirt and a runny nose look good, but Lucy sure can!

Josiah LOVED the dogs. He pushed through all the kids dancing and playing around to hang on the stage to watch them. 

 A lunch with the princesses. My girl was in heaven. 

 Played in some fountains before heading to the airport. 
Both kids fell asleep on the way to the airport, Addilyn was incredibly hard to wake up-thankfully Pops and Grannie helped us out! When we had to say goodbye at security, Addilyn cried and cried. All the way through security and on the tram to get to our gate. She did not want to say goodbye, my little family girl.