I'm kinda lazy in the blogging lately but I really like pictures and I want to remember everything (and let the fam see what we're up to) so I'm just going to put up lots of pics and little stories. Ok? ok.
These two are kinda awesome. They play more and more together and have real conversations all the time now that Josiah's talking has exploded.
Josiah's also learning where the 'time out' spot is. Whew. What is it with him and hitting? But, can I say how much I love that his fits are to put his face in this hands like this and be silent? I mean really. If we're going to deal with fits-I'll take silence over the ear piercing screams of his sis. ;)
Addilyn had me help her draw our family in chalk the other day. From L to R, Josiah, Derrick, Me, our baby from Ethiopia (the pink blob. 1-brown chalk doesn't show up on concrete well. 2-she HAD to color the blanket pink 'cause she's still praying for a girl), and Addilyn. She's been super interested about all things Ethiopia and our baby lately. The other day out of the blue she told me "Mommy, when you meet our baby you will be so happy that tears will just fall down your face when you smile." she asks to check the Ethiopian time on my phone to guess what our baby is doing right now (I'm not wasting breath on if our baby is really even conceived yet or whatever-she can want think and pray about our baby all day long, if they are on this earth yet or not.)
Honestly, Life has been a little rough lately. But I'm choosing to focus on the positive and be thankful for as many moments as I can. This was an extra awesome one. After a rough day, we hopped in the car headed to have a picnic and play outside. We hadn't been to this particular park as a family before and it was great. Few other people were there and like Derrick said, "Isn't everything at least better outside listening to birds?" It totally was.
We've been using the water table lots lately as it finally turned into summer!
Father's Day was a success. The kids loved going to the grocery store early in the morning to get Daddy donuts and a balloon. Daddy didn't seem to mind much either. :) We also had an awesome brunch with some great friends, evening church (which is seriously turning into one of my favorite things), and a Spurs win. :)
These two are always snuggling and loving on one another. It's adorable (until the snuggling turns into rough wrestling and someone starts crying).
For Fathers Day, the kids HAD to wear their Spurs shirts because it was Daddy's day and those are Daddy's favorite shirts. Who cares if Josiah slept in his the night before? ;) He refused to take it off.
We also got to watch Daddy coach volleyball for the first time this week. Josiah sat for about the amount of time it took me to take this picture. He wanted to be WITH Daddy and WITH the volleyball. Addilyn found little friends to play with and had a great time. So, I guess I watched Derrick coach. The kids...maybe not as much.