
What's next?!

So lots of people have been asking lately what's next in the adoption? where we are in the process? When will our baby will be home? and at this point, most of the questions don't have a very good answer because we really just don't know. But, I'll share with you some of what we do know.

What's next? The next step to our adoption process is a referral. Our referral is the picture of our child (ren) and medical information. After we receive this we will have a doctor look it over, make sure we are prepared for whatever the forms say while still able to love and care for the children already in our home as well as the ones we will welcome home soon, then fall in love, accept the referral, and tell everyone. :) We really have no idea when this is coming. It really could be any day (we are near the top of the list) and it honestly could be a long time. No one really knows. What I am praying for though is that we'd know who our child(ren) are by my 30th birthday-February 5. Please join me in praying for this! Again, it very well could be earlier or later but that's the date on my heart although a referral would be a pretty awesome Christmas gift too ;).

When will your baby be home? Well, again, we have no idea. But from what we've heard about the new PAIR requirements, expecting a year from the referral until our child's homecoming is reasonable. It always could be significantly longer or maybe a little shorter (but that's much less of a possibility) but this paperwork is a very new requirement so no one is exactly sure how much longer it will make the process. Just that it will make it longer. And, I know. That sounds like a RIDICULOUSLY long time. and, it is. But, it's what it is and the new paperwork is in an attempt to make adoption in Ethiopia more ethical (and I'm sure other reasons) and that really is so very important that I'm trying not to let it bother me. There are many parts of the process that seem redundant and frustrating and will most definitely bring me to tears someday. But, for now I can sort out facts of what I know and move on as long as I don't think about my baby staying in institutionalized care significantly longer than what it needs to be. So, prayers are being said for our child(ren) home by my 31st birthday. This really is extremely hopeful but what we are praying for. Pray with us?

Big Sister and Big Brother are getting ready...

A friend from church, Ms. Rhonda, was babysitting our kids one night and her (tiny) grandson was over and Josiah asked if her baby was from 'opia. He also learned in Sunday School about Hannah and talked to Ms. Rhonda about praying and crying to God for our baby from 'opia.

Addilyn asks me what time it is in Ethiopia and what our baby is doing multiple times a day.

Today at the grocery store Addilyn was figuring out where our baby in Ethiopia will sit in the car carts. "Maybe I'll walk or ride in the cart and our baby could be in the car with Josiah... or maybe.. (and then continued to think of every possible option)"

Putting the kids to bed tonight was a true joy. They were fun and funny and snuggly and it was so much fun. When we were saying our prayers and praying for our baby from Ethiopia Addilyn was talking (again) how she was thinking our baby will be a girl and then asked Josiah...who first agreed with a girl and then said "No! Boy 'ike me!" Then we talked about how we might be getting a brother or a sister or maybe two babies- a boy and a girl (Addilyns ultimate dream) or two girls or two boys. Addilyn's comment was... "Well Mom. Josiah's going to have to learn to grow up a little bit and be a big helper like me. Especially if we have two boys! But even if we have one baby. I can do a good job teaching him how to be a helper." I was relieved she wasn't appalled at the idea of boys.

This past Sunday Orphan Sunday was celebrated in many churches. Our church took part for the first time this year and Derrick preached! I'm so amazed and proud of him. Three years ago when I started talking about adoption, he quickly changed the subject or talk about how great it was for other people. Two years ago he agreed we'd probably adopt someday but not right now. One year ago he began tentatively jumping 'all in' and starting adoption paperwork. This year, he's preaching on orphan Sunday about Christ's heart and plan for adoption. I'm so proud. Here's the link to the sermon if you want to listen to it!