
Baby. Baby. Baby.

The most popular person of our visit...
I had to beg Addilyn to have a turn to hold her. 

Josiah tried to give her the paci. He needs to learn "gentle" before he's much help or this close to her again.

I finally got a turn. :) 

Derrick did too. 

Then I got to help Mags without my kids one day (thanks Derrick and Dad!). I spent the longest time away from Josiah I ever have... 8a-2p. We've tried longer before, but it's never worked longer than 3 hours. See, told you he's improving! :)

Check out those cheeks. 

The cutest. 

Addilyn didn't seem to mind one bit that I was gone. I got this picture via text.

Josiah did fine but didn't like it quite that much. But, this smile was waiting for me when I got back. What a little dude. 
Pops and my kids playing with blocks that were Pops' when he was little. Addilyn thinks that's the coolest thing. I'm amazed there's not even one single tiny piece missing. 
Addilyn thought she'd add to this post:
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