

For Thanksgiving this year, we met up with my family in Branson. We were a little nervous about the hotel stay and eating out often, since Josiah was still getting over his allergic reaction and has some extra energy with benadryl in his system (not that sitting quietly in a highchair is ever super high on his strengths list...) but it all turned out pretty well! There were a few meals that we spent walking most of the time but, overall it was really good! He even slept normally! :)

A little ride in Santa's sleigh

My little Momma. She would have been happy holding Cecilia the whole time.

Silver Dollar City. Best at Christmas time.

Our Thanksgiving meal was at our hotel, with their dining rooms set up as they would for a nice wedding. Josiah sat down, grabbed a spoon, and threw it, nearly breaking a few glasses. I was so worried it was going to go terribly...But once we found food he liked, he did awesome!!! Addilyn even ate well too! Thank goodness for watermelon and waffles. The kids even entertained the room with a few rounds of ring-a-round a rosy, complete with tackling on the 'all fall down' part. I'm sure everyone loved it. :)

We absolutely loved getting time with our family!