

I feel like I've hit a big milestone. I officially used up all my blog space and now have to pay $2 a month to keep my blog. But, that caused us to pause and debate so that's why I've been MIA for awhile. $2 spent, I'm back (but will be trying to be a little better about the amount of pictures on each page ;) ) I did add an instagram button on the side of the blog over there ----> and I load far too many pictures there. :) 

Anyway, an update. 
The kids are starting to fight over things. It's really more that Josiah wants everything Addilyn touches and gets frustrated. By frustrated I mean yelling things like 'DAT 'DAT I WANT 'DAT! (dat=that) or NO! or MINE!!  pretty often. But, while we do hear a lot of that, we also see them loving on each other even more too. They want to be together. Josiah LOVES Addilyn's lap and she certainly doesn't mind him sitting in it. The other day Addilyn fell asleep and was on the couch...Josiah just kept going up to her and gently moving her hair out of her face and giving her kisses. It was adorable. 

For Josiah's ear infection, he was prescribed amoxicillin. Guess what we confirmed? He's allergic to it. Remember the bad hives? Yep. We did that again. But, without steroids and a much quicker recovery. Freaked this Momma out though. 

Addilyn still loves pretend, Mommy being her preferred role. She really loves story time at the library, games on the iphone/ipod, and time with her friends.

One of my favorite current family pictures.  So far, while we hope to get at least one good snow this winter, we are enjoying this unusually warm weather.